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Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Research
Doctorate and habilitation

Doctorate and habilitation

© Anna Kristina Bauer

With a doctorate, you provide evidence of independent academic work. The habilitation serves as proof of independent academic research. Upon successful completion of the doctorate, you will be awarded the academic doctoral degree, and upon successful completion of the habilitation, the qualification to teach independently (Venia Legendi).


During your doctoral phase, you will generally be employed as a research assistant at the institutes of our faculty and acquire professional expertise. During this time, you will also complete a written dissertation on a selected topic. The doctorate concludes with an oral examination.

Template for the dissertation title page

Important dates that are helpful for the organisation of your doctorate

Questions and further support


Notes on the habilitation procedure

Notifications about habilitation procedures, such as admissions, openings, etc., are published in the minutes of the meetings of the Faculty Council of Mechanical Engineering. The Faculty of Mechanical Engineering also invites the habilitation candidate in writing to the public lecture followed by a colloquium. Notifications relating to habilitation procedures must always be sent in writing to the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering.

When applying for a certificate of good conduct, a "certificate of good conduct for submission to an authority" must be applied for. "Habilitation" must be stated as the purpose. Certificates of good conduct may not be older than one year on the day the habilitation procedure is initiated. The University Library (TIB / UB, special collections, information on the submission of dissertations and habilitation theses) is responsible for matters relating to the publication of habilitation theses.


Maren Völker
Doctoral and habilitation office
Office hours
Consultation hours are only possible by appointment.
An der Universität 1
30823 Garbsen
Maren Völker
Doctoral and habilitation office
Office hours
Consultation hours are only possible by appointment.
An der Universität 1
30823 Garbsen