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Exkursionen - Allgemeine Informationen

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In the module " Professional Excursions" you should gain insights into different areas of companies, visit professionally relevant trade fairs or take part in excursions organised by the institutes of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering.


How many excursion days must be proven?

Students have to prove a total of three excursion days in this module. You will receive one credit point for this in the Master's programme.

Professionally relevant trade fairs and other offers

Visits to professionally relevant trade fairs such as the Hannover Messe, LIGNA, FaMeta or LABVOLUTION etc. will be recognised as one excursion day.

You can also take advantage of the early starter programme. Here, students are offered free excursions and direct and personal insights into companies. An online early starter excursion (usually lasting 1.5 - 2.5 hours) is recognised as half an excursion day. If you have taken part in an early-starter excursion in person, this information must be stated by early-starter on the certificate, including the duration of the excursion. In this case, the excursion may be recognised as a full excursion day.

Translated with DeepL.com (free version)

Excursions can also be found from time to time alongside other advertisements on the Mechanical Engineering notice board.

Recognition form

For the recognition of the field excursions, please use the following recognition form, which you should fill in completely and sign before sending it to the Academic Examination Office.

For organisational reasons, the forms should only be sent as soon as you have completed the 3-day excursion.


Recognition Form Professional Excursion 2023.pdf
PDF, 52 KB
Agnes Maiwald, M. A.
An der Universität 1
30823 Garbsen
Agnes Maiwald, M. A.
An der Universität 1
30823 Garbsen