As a rule, the course of study takes 6 semesters. After passing the bachelor thesis you will receive the degree Bachelor of Science.
What can you expect during your studies?
At the beginning of your studies you will first learn sound basics in mathematics, physics and chemistry as well as from the engineering sciences, followed by the basics of nanotechnology. In the further course of your studies you can decide in which areas you want to deepen your knowledge. You can choose between chemistry, physics, mechanical engineering and electrical engineering.
The specific knowledge gained in the advanced studies programme significantly increases the professional qualification character of the Bachelor's degree. Internships, laboratories and professional excursions will also link your studies to practical areas.
Areas of activity
Fields of activity are material development and the physical and chemical characterisation of nanomaterials. Another broad field is the use of the novel possibilities of these materials as well as the development, production and investigation of micro- and nanocomponents. An alternative field of activity can be found in environmental authorities in the assessment of environmental engineering issues. Of course, you can also specialize and gain additional qualifications by completing a more advanced Master's degree.